Leading the Charge for Clean and Green Energy

Celestial Energy is at the forefront of the solar energy industry in Pakistan, providing innovative and customized solutions to meet the unique energy needs of our clients. Our innovative solutions aim to transform how the world generates and uses energy. 

By leveraging the power of solar and energy storage, we are creating a resilient distributed grid. This internet-connected grid enables you to optimize energy production and consumption in real time. It ensures that energy is always available and in the right location. 


Armando Webster


Shining Rays of Our Clients

Andrew Flock

Marketing & SEO
Our team

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of human happiness. No one.

top-tier products and services at competitive rates

Mission Statement

Our mission is to make every roof useful for generating energy by facilitating top-tier products and services at competitive rates, ensuring timely delivery of solutions with round-the-clock service and after-sales support, and offering lifetime support for our products to guarantee you get the most of your solar energy systems while achieving sustainability.

high-quality & cost-efficient solar energy

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the leading provider of high-quality and cost-efficient solar energy solutions, helping customers achieve their sustainability goals while optimizing their energy usage.


Renewable Energy Solutions

Our solar power systems provide clean and renewable energy and offer a wide range of benefits, such as reducing energy costs, improving energy security, and reducing carbon footprint. With a solid commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we strive to provide Pakistan’s best solar power solutions.

Icon showing quality components

Quality Components

We only use the best quality components in our solar energy installations. We understand that the quality of components used significantly affects the performance and longevity of a solar energy system. We carefully select each component to ensure that it meets the high standards for quality and reliability.

Icon showing exceptional service and support

Exceptional Service and Support

Our customers are our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with the best after-sale service and support. We understand that investing in solar energy can be a significant decision, and we want you to feel confident that you have made the right choice. 

Icon showing skilled and experienced staff

Skilled and Experienced Staff

We have the best team with years of solar energy experience who use their expertise to design and install solar energy systems catering to your specific requirements.

Icon showing aesthetic installations

Aesthetic Installations

Solar energy installations’ functionality does not have to ruin the aesthetics of your place. That's why we keep the aesthetics of your place front and center in every installation we do. Our team carefully designs each solar energy system to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment while maximizing energy production.

Reliable system for decades

Reliable Systems for Decades

We do not compromise on the reliability and durability of components and accessories for our solar energy systems. We want you to have efficient systems that can work optimally for decades. We put extra effort into selecting each component to ensure that it is of the highest quality and reliability.

Icon showing net metering compliant system

Net Metering Compliant Systems

Our solar energy systems are net metering compliant, meaning you get the highest investment returns. Net metering allows you to return excess energy to the grid and receive credits on your energy bills, reducing overall energy costs. All our systems are designed and installed to take advantage of net metering and other incentives to provide the best possible value.

Our Valuable Collaborators

Hybrid and grid power solutions & Inventers

Jinko Solar
Canadian Solar


A solar energy system, also known as a solar power system or solar photovoltaic system is a system that uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity for use in homes, businesses, or other buildings.

Installing a solar energy system can help  you save money  on your electricity bills and protect you against increasing rates of electricity in future. The amount you save depends on local utility rates and solar policies, but going solar is a wise investment regardless of location.

Solar power has many environmental and health benefits like other renewable energy resources. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, solar power helps combat climate changes and promote cleaner air.

The easiest way to find out how much electricity you use monthly and how much you pay for it is to review your utility electricity bill. Celestial Energy provides a helpful guide for reading and understanding your electricity bill.

In Pakistan, net metering is a billing system that allows solar energy system owners to receive credit for any excess electricity they generate and contribute to the grid. For example, a residential customer with a photovoltaic (PV) system may produce more energy than the home consumes during daylight hours.

Solar panels capture energy from the sun and convert it into direct current (DC). This DC is converted into usable alternating current (AC) electricity through an inverter. This electricity can be used immediately in your home or returned to the electric grid.

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Happy Clients
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Cup Of Tea
Excellence Record

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Our team

Armando Webster


Andrew Flock

Marketing & SEO

Frances Samuels


Richard Canales